If you'd like to restore youthfulness to your face, enjoy plump lips, enhance shallow contours or soften those facial creases and wrinkles, dermal fillers may be the answer. Dermal fillers have been called "liquid facelifts" because they offer many of the benefits of a surgical facelift without the downtime.

Although they can't help with excess sagging skin, these soft tissue fillers can add more volume and provide immediate results at a lower cost than surgery. These treatments aren't permanent, however, and they must be repeated and maintained.

Some dermal fillers are used in conjunction with other skin rejuvenation treatments such as injections of botliinum toxin.


What is Juvéderm ™ injectable Gel? JUVÉDERM ™ is a smooth gel filler that your doctor eases under your skin to instantly smooth those "parentheses" lines on the side of your nose and mouth. So smooth and natural, everyone will notice (but no one will know).

How JUVÉDERM ™ Works

We place JUVÉDERM ™ under the skin using a fine needle to augment, or fill, the soft tissue of the dermis—the dense inner layer of skin beneath the epidermis—to add volume and diminish wrinkles and folds. JUVÉDERM ™ is used most effectively for those wrinkles and folds in the lower third of your face, like your "laugh lines," "smile lines" or "parentheses" (naso-labial folds), or "marionette lines" (oral commissures).

JUVÉDERM ™ is a "next-generation" filler. It is made from hyaluronic acid—a naturally occurring substance in your skin that helps to hydrate and add volume. Hyaluronic acid may diminish with age, contributing to the formation of wrinkles and folds. JUVÉDERM ™ injectable gel works to correct this by restoring hyaluronic acid in your skin, helping to smooth wrinkles and folds.

By employing a unique manufacturing process, JUVÉDERM ™ provides the highest concentration of cross-linked hyaluronic acid of any currently available hyaluronic acid dermal filler for long-lasting results. This advanced manufacturing process also works to create a smooth consistency gel that flows easily into the skin during the injection process and provides a smooth, natural look and feel—so everyone will notice (but no one will know!).

Is there any Downtime?

Because JUVÉDERM ™ injectable gel is a simple, nonsurgical treatment; there is minimal recovery or downtime. So you can make an appointment to stop by for treatment on the way home from work or the gym, or even while the kids are at soccer practice—and get right back to your life.

Before your treatment

It is best to avoid any medications that can prolong bleeding, such as aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS), for at least a week prior to treatment in order to reduce the risk of bruising and bleeding at the injection site. Vitamin E, gingko biloba, and St. John's Wort shouldalso be discontinued.

When you arrive

If this is your first visit, we will ask about your medical history, including any allergies you may have or medications you may take, and will tell you more about wrinkle treatment with JUVÉDERM ™ . JUVÉDERM ™ does not require an allergy test.

Determining your treatment needs

We will examine the soft tissue of your face to assess the depth of wrinkles and folds to determine your treatment. JUVÉDERM ™ injectable gel is available in two formliations—JUVÉDERM ™ litra for versatility in contouring and volumizing facial wrinkles and folds, and JUVÉDERM ™ litra Plus, a robust formliation for volumizing and correcting deeper folds and wrinkles. This allows us to better tailor treatment to your unique needs.

Before the procedure

Although anesthesia is not required, we may use topical or injectable anesthesia to numb the treatment area first.

The procedure

We will place the Juvéderm gel under your skin to augment, or fill, wrinkles and folds. Following the injection, we gently massage the treated areas. The procedure is quick and easy.

After the procedure

With JUVÉDERM ™ , there is minimal recovery or downtime. For the first 24 hours following treatment, you should avoid strenuous exercise, excessive sun or heat exposure, and consumption of alcoholic beverages in order to help minimize the risks of temporary redness, swelling, and/or itching at the treatment sites. After the treatment, some temporary injection-related reactions may occur, including redness, pain, firmness, swelling, and bumps. Studies have shown that these are usually mild to moderate in nature and clear up on their own in 7 days or less. If you experience swelling at the injection site, you can apply an ice pack for a brief period.

Seeing results

You should see an immediate improvement in the treatment areas. Most patients need one treatment to achieve optimal wrinkle smoothing, and the results may last up to 6 months or more. However, results may vary and correction is temporary. Supplemental “touch up” treatments may be required to achieve and maintain optimal results.


Benefits and Side Effects

For smoothing wrinkles, sclipting lips, and improving other facial features, Restylane injections are a growing favorite. Approved by the FDA in December 2003, Restylane can produce positive results on facial wrinkles, particularly around the mouth and nose. Another benefit is the long-lasting results, as the effects of Restylane treatments can last six months or more. Restylane can be administered on its own or in combination with other treatments, such as a lip lifting procedure

The Restylane Procedure

Restylane injections are administered in the doctor's office, typically for patients aged 35 to 60. It is most often performed with local anesthesia, especially if the lip is being treated. Since Restylane contains no lidocaine like collagen, patients may experience some pain and discomfort from the needle during injection. epending upon the extent of the treatment, the procedure can take from a few minutes up to 30 minutes. Patients return home shortly after the procedure.

Restylane is a clear liquid gel, a non-animal-based hyaluronic acid (a natural sugar compound).

results are fully evident within one week. Restylane has a success rate for reducing or eliminating deep wrinkles that cannot be accomplished with other procedures such as chemical peels or microdermabrasion.

Recovery after Restylane Treatment

Swelling may be pronounced, lasting for two or three days. Normal activities can be resumed immediately, though patients are advised to stay out of the sun. Unmanageable pain, as well as symptoms that are progressive or abnormal, should be reported to the doctor immediately.

Your doctor should help you understand the possible complications and remedies during your initial consultation.

Alternative and Additional Treatments

There may be alternative treatment options, depending on your condition. Other hyaluronic acid-based product alternatives to Restylane are Belotero, Juvederm and Perlane injections. Conslit with your doctor as to which may be right for you.

Other minimally invasive procedures include Botox, fat fillers and vampire injections. For severe signs of aging, surgical procedures may be more appropriate, such as a facelift, forehead lift and eyelid surgery. Your doctor may recommend additional treatments in conjunction with Restylane, such as chemical peel, laser skin resurfacing or microdermabrasion

Consult a Qualified Doctor

Dermatologists and plastic surgeons may have extensive knowledge and experience with skin-enhancement procedures. However, some may not have expertise with this specific procedure — the injection, the proper dosage — or may not offer a medical setting with the highest level of quality care. Finding a doctor with specific Restylane injection experience is important for safety and for achieving optimal results. consulting qualified doctor will also help ensure that you receive the most appropriate treatment for your condition

Here are some tips to consider when consulting doctor: