Facial Rejuvenation Using Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) (aka the Vampire Facial®)

Kim Kardashian After Vampire Facial (R) Procedure
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) which contains growth factors is obtained by drawing your blood. Your blood is then spun in a high speed centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red blood cells. Your face is then rolled with a Dermal (Micro-Needle) Pen or Derma Roller. A derma roller is a cylindrical shaped drum that is studded with tiny fine “micro-needles” and Dermal pen has fine “micro-needles” as well. Gently pricking your skin with the derma roller or micro-needle pins stimulates the creation of new skin cells and regeneration of damaged cells. Your own PRP is then massaged into the skin. The goal is to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, and the creation of new skin cells. Your skin will glow and immediately feel smoother and softer, with progressive improvements continuing for several months.
The effects of the procedure improve for 2 to 3 months and last for at least 1 to 2 years!
PRP Skin Therapy is a proven skin rejuvenation treatment that works on:
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Uneven skin tone
- Acne Scars
- Enlarged Pores
- Hyperpigmentation
- Stretch Marks
- Slack Skin
- Scarring
Look refreshed & younger, with a more youthful skin texture, color & tone…etc
Dermal (Micro-Needle) Pen or Derma Roller is versatile and can be used on all parts on the body: Face, neck, chest, arms, hands, legs, abdomen and back. This versatility makes Dermal Pen or Derma Roller helpful when addressing acne scars on the back and stretch marks on the body. Results are comparable to those only achieved by fractionated laser treatments, at a fraction of the price.

Bar Refaeli After Vampire Facial (R) Procedure
The Vampire Facial® [trademarked by designer-physician, Charles Runels, MD] offers an innovative combination that’s become a sensation world-wide…
Here's how it's done..
3 Steps of the Vampire Facial® Procedure
First, the physician (1) isolates growth factors from the patient’s blood. Then (2), the provider uses a micro-needling device to create multiple micro-punctures –both driving the isolated growth factors into the skin & creating stimulus for tightening and rejuvenation of the collagen of the face. Then (3), these provider paints the growth factors onto the micro-punctures so that the growth factors soak into the tissue for further stimulation of tightening and skin rejuvenation.
The skin tightens, and glows with color, and scaring softens for a beautiful younger and very natural result.
1. Isolating the Magic from Your Blood
First, the physician draws your blood from your arm (just like getting a blood test done).
Then, using a centrifuge, the physician isolates platelets from that blood (platelet-rich plasma or PRP).
RegenKit - BCT Platelet Rich Plasma Preparation from Glory MedClinic on Vimeo.
2. Micro-Needling

MD Pen micro skin needling of the forehead from Glory MedClinic on Vimeo.
Click here to See Wikipedia Article about the Vampire Facelift ® Procedure
3. Coating and Soaking Your Face with Blood-Derived Growth Factors
One method of applying the prp from Charles Runels, MD on Vimeo.
These growth factors then activate multipotent stem cells already in the skin (tricking them into “thinking” there’s been an injury and new younger tissue should generated).
Click Here to Also See the Vampire Breast Lift ® Procedure
The multipotent stem cells then develop into new collagen, new blood vessels, and new fatty tissue trying to “repair” the skin that was never injured! The result…younger-appearing skin!
Use Your Blood to Rejuvenate Your Face…
The Vampire Facial® procedure is not for everyone!
Many would do better with surgery, or laser therapy, or Botox®, or simply PRP or an HA filler used alone. Dr. David Ikudayisi displays passion about offering you the right procedure for your face.
The Vampire Facelift® book gives more detail…or even better, schedule your free consultation today…with our Certified PRP Educational Consultant at any of our locations.